Our New Location:
610 S Main Street
Highlands, Texas 77562
We reopen SOON!

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texto a 409-267-7316
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Annual Report 2021
Our clients have come to us with unexpected pregnancies, not knowing how far along they are, who the father could be, currently in an abusive relationship and experiencing pressure to abort by parents, the boyfriend, friends, and financial concerns. Our free consultations, pregnancy tests, life-affirming 3D ultrasounds, and Hope Program have empowered many of these women to choose life for their baby.
“The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I came that they may have life and have it in abundance.” John 10:10. What a year we have been through, whether at the center or in our personal lives, we have all had joys and sorrows in 2021. One constant has been God’s faithfulness. Please continue to pray for this center and our clients. See what your support has done for our clients this year!

All PRCE services are 100% free & confidential
Statistics from January-November 2021
Our Free and Confidential Services:
Pregnancy Test, Ultrasound, Options Consultations, Referrals to Medical and Community Resources, Post-Abortion Healing, Prenatal, Newborn/Infant, & Parenting Classes & MORE!

Actual Client Reviews in 2021.

* A more detailed financial report is available upon request.



Caden Crooks worked hard for his Eagle Scout service project and blessed PRCE!
- Alan Eschberger - A Beautiful Christmas Tree for the Center
- Baytown REL Celebrity Dance Team – Baby Shower & Christmas Toy Drive
- Baytown Area Quilt Guild - Baby Shower
- Catholic Daughters Court Ancillae Mariae #1886 - Baby Shower
- Catholic Daughters of the Americas, Court Mary St. John #2197 - Baby Shower
& Volunteer Training Meals
- Court Daughters of the Holy Trinity #2548 - Baby Shower
- Crosby Knights of Columbus #3229 –Volunteer Training Meals
- Life Community – Mommy Bag Preparation
- Living Hope Church – Pastor Kevin Kleinhenz raised $15K participating in the Ironman Triathlon
- MOM2MOM (1st Baptist Highlands) - Care Bag Preparations
-Team Logic IT – Christmas Toy Drive
- The Condrys and The Ira and Martha Brandon Foundation have blessed PRCE for over 20 years.
- The Source Church - PRCE Giving Tree
- Women On a Mission (Rollingbrook Fellowship) - Expo Goodie Bag Preparation
Click below
We had a tie! Top: Janet Ranne (pictured with Gail Duhon.) Bottom: Becky Guest (pictured with Maegan Machala.)


Dear PRCE Friends,
2021 is in our rearview window. As I look back, I see tremendous challenges followed closely by overwhelming shows of God's blessing over His ministry. Each service item we laid out for the year was not only successfully completed but was met with abundant fulfillment in both finances and people. The Lord even saw fit to add additional funding that we had no idea to either ask for or expect.
I remain amazed at what The Lord does with a few pennies, a lot of His faithful people, and the sacrificial, courageous, and imaginative ways people choose to bless the clients we serve. All praise to God for His miraculous gift! We serve an Awesome God. Please join us in continual prayer for this wonderful, life- affirming ministry in 2022.
May God Bless You All!
Alliance Bible
Baytown Community
Beth Shalom, Cypress Point, Rice Temple
Calvary Baptist North Channel
Catholic Daughters #1886
Catholic Daughters #1894
Catholic Daughters #2197
Catholic Daughters #2548
Cedar Bayou Baptist Church
Church of the 5 Solas
Coady Baptist Church
Community Baptist Crosby
Crosby Church
Dell Dale Ave. Baptist Church
Faith Family Church of Baytown INC.
FBC Baytown dba Rollingbrook Fellowship
FBC Mt. Belvieu
First Baptist Highlands
Fisher Road Baptist Church
Holy Trinity Catholic Church
In His Presence
Knights of Columbus #7206
Crosby Knights of Columbus #3229
LaPorte Community Church
Life Community Church
Living Hope Church of God, INC.
Memorial Baptist Church Baytown
MercyGate Church
Millie's Bible Study
MOM2MOM (1st Baptist Highlands)
New Life Ministries
New Wine Christian Fellowship
Northside Baptist Baytown
Northside Baptist Highlands
Old River Baptist Church
Restoration House Church
Sacred Heart Catholic
Second Baptist Church LaPorte
Second Baptist Church of Baytown
St. Marks United Methodist Church
Sterling Wood Church
The Source Church
Truth Baptist Ministries
Women On a Mission (Rollingbrook Fellowship)
Wooster Baptist Church
Ainsworth & Co.
Altus Baytown, LP
AmazonSmile Foundation Donation
Angie & Graham Abbot
Arnharts Color Street Nail Strips
Awards and Engraving
Babies in Baytown (First3Years)
Balloons in Bold
Bates- Brinkley Reality
Baytown Area Quilt Guild
Baytown Animal Control
Baytown Fire Department
Baytown Little Theatre
Baytown Police Department
Baytown REL Celebrity Dance Team
Baytown Republican Women
Baytown Self Storage
Baytown Tae Kwon Do
Beehive Florist
Blaine Beauty
Bring Your Burdens
Brittany Baker, Avon
Brush Bucket Designs
Chambers County Public Hospital District 1
Clem's Creations
Community Auto Group
Community Resource Credit Union
Community Services Department
Community Toyota Baytown
Cover the City (Living Hope Church)
Crosby Assets Inc.
Cynthia Hayes - Independent DoTerra Consultant
David Speer Land Co. LLC.
DeliShay's Fashion & Accessories
Dencie Lee School of Performing Arts
Eddie V. Gray Wetlands Center
Edward Jones
Elite 5 Star Realty
ExxonMobil Foundation Matching Gifts
Foreign Policy
Gator Junction
Gee'd Up
Give Blood
Global Contributions
Grand Events Party Planners
Hang It Up
HCA Houston Southeast
Heritage Interiors Design
Heritage Market
Houston Methodist Baytown Hospital
Janine Faulkner, Avon
Jimmie Pierce CPA, P.C.
Junior’s Smokehouse
Ken “the Dauber” Pridgeon
Kona Ice
KW Elite, Mark DeWald
Legacy Community Health
Los Mariachiles
Love Network of Baytown
Magical Winter Lights
Mission Preborn
Molina Healthcare
MOMS Club of Baytown
Murray, M.D.
Neighbors Emergency Center
Outdoor Furniture & More
Painting With a Twist
Paparazzi Accessories
PayPal Giving Fund
Piano Vibes LLC
Preserves of Life
Remax, Eastside
Resort Vacations Inc.
Sallie Sherman - Young Living Independent Consultant
Sawdust Sanctuary
Shell Oil Company Foundation Matching Gifts
Shoot Point Blank
Showbiz Cinema
Shpere Club
Skydive Skyland Houston
Snaps & Ruffles
Stonebridge, at Newport
Susan Pratt - Tupperware Consultant
Susie G Crafts on the Road
Team Logic IT
Texas Art
Texas Feed Stop
Texas Game Warden
Texas Gulf Coast Soap Company
Texas Right To Life
The Cookie Jar Resale Shop
The Ira & Martha Brandon Foundation
The Mustard Seed Tearoom
The Purrfect Sweets
The Pilot Club of Baytown
Uncle B's Seasoning
Workforce Solutions