Our New Location:
610 S Main Street
Highlands, Texas 77562
We reopen SOON!
Click here to pay with VENMO. Use @PregnancyResourceCenterEast
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texto a 409-267-7316
Center Stats
Jan 1, 2019 - Dec 31, 2019
Client Stats
Unique (New) Clients: 443
Total Visits: 1171
Marital Satus:
Single: 129
Engaged: 35
Living together: 90
Married: 95
Never married: 53
Separated: 8
Divorced: 13
Widowed: 1
15 - 19: 63
20 - 24: 151
25 - 29: 137
30 - 34: 46
35 & older 41
Hispanic: 211
Caucasian: 113
African American: 68
Other ethinticity: 4
Asian: 4
Middle East 1
Carribean 9
Multi-racial 10
The relationship of the father of the baby to "AT-RISK" positive-test clients
(At-risk clients are those who are assessed as abortion-minded or abortion-vulnerable)
Boyfriend: 160
Fiance: 44
Friend: 20
Husband: 42
Other: 22
Unknown: 6
TOTAL: 294
Pregnancy Tests: 443
Positive: 383
Negative: 59
Pregnancy Option Counseling: 364
Ultrasound: 305
Post abortive support: 141
Abstinence Counseling: 239
Hope Program Participants: 50
Class Attendance: 424
Parenting: 63
Bible Class: 86
Prenatal: 169
Newborn/infant: 61
Video Class: 5
Material assistance: 127 Visits
Diapers distributed: 4,995
Baby clothes distributed: 622
Other Items distributed 12,877
(this is distributed at our center, they also receive many items at The Cookie Jar Resale Shop)
Gospel presented: 427
Accepted Christ or rededicated: 122
Bibles distributed: 96
Initial Assesment***
Abortion-Minded*: 24
Received ultrasound: 17
Father attended ultrasound: 5
Decided to carry to term: 12
Intend to Abort: 3
1. ---had ultrasound: 4
2. ---father saw ultrasound 0
Undecided or unknown: 9
Abortion-Vulnerable*: 270
Received ultrasound: 188
Father attended ultrasound: 93
Carried to term: 265
Intend to abort: 1
----had ultrasound: 1
----father saw ultrasound: 1
Undecided or unknown: 4
Likely to Carry*: 98
Received ultrasound: 74
Father attended ultrasound: 35
Intend to abort: 0
Carried to term: 162
---had ultrasound: 86
---father saw ultrasound: 33
Undecided or unknown: 1